Thursday, May 11, 2006

Remembering Bob Marley

Bob Marley, the king of reggae (duh) and one of the most significant and enduring artists of the rock era, died 25 years ago today.

NPR ran a nice feature today, on Marley's music and influence, and one terrific segment of the story focused on the evolution of the anthem "One Love." When the Wailing Wailers (Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny) debuted the tune, it was much faster and more ska-like than the final, slowed-down, hypnotic-grooving version of the tune.

Just out at the bookstore is Christopher John Farley's Before the Legend: The Rise of Bob Marley. I'm wondering if this bio will offer anything new, in the wake of the countless books already published on Marley.

Sure wish we had the time/$$ to go back to Jamaica once more, for this summer's version of Sunsplash or SumFest or whatever they're calling the summer fest in Montego Bay now.


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